Sunday, April 25, 2010


Life has been crazy lately. We have had lots of changes going on, lots of things to get used to, and lots of stuff to do. The kids and I have moved, and in so doing have downsized. So one thing we have to do is figure out what to part with and where to put what we didn't part with. Another thing to get used to I am divorced now. It has been very emotional for me. More so than I thought it would be after knowing it was coming for so very long, practically since the day we were married. I am not sure that he ever really wanted to be married to me to begin with, guess I should have left well enough alone back then... My granny says it is very similar to going through having someone die. I think she is right. I often feel like a part of me has died now. He and I are trying to have a good relationship though, not just for the kids, but because we are friends. That doesn't seem to lessen the pain though. Everyday it hurts and I am very sad.

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