Sunday, April 25, 2010


Today, April 25th 2010, the kids and I and a couple of friends walked in the juvenile diabetes walk held at Coolidge Park. We try to do this every year, have since Korina was diagnosed. We have a team name ~ Korina's Krew ~ and we keep talking about having t-shirts made, but always forget until it is too late. Also every year we try to raise money for JDRF~Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation, in hopes of finding a cure. This year we set our goal at $200 because we knew everyone's pockets are tight, but we managed to raise $300! Thanks to our loving family and friends.

The walk this year was pretty grueling for me, I am too out of shape :P We ended up climbing some steep hills and walking across the bridges four times along with the rest of the route. I am sore! But we enjoyed it :) And the kids really liked playing in the fountain there too.
Look how windy it was this day! We had an especially hard time walking straight while crossing the bridges. This is on the Walnut Street Bridge, a walking bridge in Chattanooga, TN.

Our young Krew members: Debbie, Trista, Korina, Kerstin, and Konrad

Kerstin showing off her new shirt

Debbie is looking for Korina in the hedges :)

Ah, Debbie found her and Korina is on the run!

Kerstin is freezing after being in the fountain!

Korina on a statue at Coolidge Park

Konrad on a statue at Coolidge Park

Some of our Krew members riding the Coolidge Park Carousel

Konrad on an inflatable

Korina in front of an inflatable

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