Monday, January 18, 2010

Almost Final Christmas Party

Well Friday night the kids and I went to my mom's Christmas party. Yes, I do realize it is the middle of January, but due to various custody things we generally have ours late so that more people can be there :) While we were there the kids and I decided to pose in front of her blue snowman curtains and take pictures. You will also notice that the girls and I decided to be festive and spray our hair red (well it turns up various shades of pink on the girls, but bright red on mine). My son would not let us color his.
The kids pictures came out great, but my color is a little off :P We had a pretty good time. Got to have dinner with my mom, brothers, cousins, and various nieces and nephews. We did miss having one niece there though; my youngest brother's daughter lives in south GA so she wasn't here for this one, but we did get to celebrate with her on Christmas day (so thanks to her mom for letting us have her Christmas!). And after dinner and a lot of talking we exchanged presents. So now I only have to get with one more family and we will have given out all our presents for this year. I hope we get to see them soon!

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