Saturday, January 16, 2010

Random Prose

In an effort to hone my writing skills I have been trying to write down just about anything I think of. I didn't even know I wanted to write until recently so these are just baby steps, but here are two of my bits that I have published on Associated Content and a link to my page there. Also, if you get a chance to read some of the other writers' materials, they are pretty good and just by clicking on the links you could help someone out :)

Smart Start
You start the day off like any other,
except it isn't...

It is a new day, a breaking dawn, a second chance
to live your life the way that is best for you.

Do you take advantage of this new day
or do you treat it as any other...?

Days of Our Lives
"Like sands through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives."

Ha! I wish my life was that orderly!

More like sand from a sandcastle
being blown away by gusts of wind;
I grab handfuls of sand to put back in place,
But the grains just slip through my fingers
and refuse to take shape.

Now; THAT is a day of my life.

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