Monday, May 31, 2010

Creative Discovery Museum.

We took a trip to the Creative Discovery Museum on Thursday. We bought a membership this year, so the kids and I try to go at least once a month. This was Debbie's first trip there. We had fun. The kids got to do some cup stacking, which is a favorite of Kerstin. Also we got to do a new art lesson, each month they do a new art lesson based on a different artist. May's artist was Hans Hofmann, so we did color blocking. There was also a new science lesson. The science lessons change about every 6-8 weeks I think. This time it is called "My body does WHAT!?!" The kids learn all about the body. Things like why you burp, fart, and have boogers; how much blood you have in your body; and the different systems of the body. We also go to see their new exhibit Grossology, which has some rather nasty stuff to it... Like the smell thing, I do NOT want to do that again... There were four different things that you squeeze and smell the air that comes out and you are supposed to push the button next to the answer you think it is: armpit, mouth, feet, or anus. Yes, anus (apparently a dirty one, gag!) I felt rather queazy after that one, I have to admit... Guess I will add pics later, Blogger is taking way to long to update...

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