Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Creek, Park & Grill

My niece, Debbie, is staying with me for a couple of days. And we decided, last minute, to go to grocery store and then grill at park for supper. Debbie doesn't eat meat and my kids love steak, so we made both steak and chicken :) Actually we grilled burgers, chicken, and steak. It was all very yummy. And it was only my second time using a grill, so was good practice for when we get on the road. I hope to do most of our cooking on a grill, and go mostly raw for the rest. The kids' dad joined us as well, so was good :).
Before going to the park, we stopped by the creek for them to wade in a bit. It has been really hot, so the cold water felt good. Little Max, our doxie, enjoyed going about in the water too. He was funny on some of the big rocks though, he was afraid to jump across. I took pictures and will get them up as soon as I find my camera cable... Max also found a tree with a hole in it, which he promptly stuck his head in! The kids had fun wading for a while then we went to the park. The kids played at the park for hours. Poor Max had to stay in his doggy stroller though, pets are not allowed in the park :(.
What is it about a hot grill that attracts kids? It seemed like most of the time I was there, I kept having to chase other kids away from the grill. Was funny one time though, this kid came walking by real close, did a double take, and says ' mmm, steak! ' :) The only problem we had was I had forgotten to take any knives, good thing the meat was fairly tender!
Max is so funny, when he sees a hole or gap somewhere he 'hunkers' down and tries to look before he gets too close. Guess he is following the whole look before you leap sentiment! :)

Debbie wading in the creek

Korina heading towards the water, Kerstin is not so sure

Kerstin smiling for the camera

Konrad, always the first one to the water and always soaked by the time we leave... There is no just get your feet wet with him, he goes out and FLOP right into the water!

Kerstin, AKA 'Queen of the Creek'!

A hole in a tree at the creek...

Max's head in a hole in a tree by the creek... :)

Max 'just hanging around' He decided to sneak out the back zipper of his stroller, then realized we had attached his leash to the handle... No worries everyone, he wears a harness and is actually really strong so if he had wanted to he could have pulled the stroller over and took off!

Max needing a hand up (at least he conned her into thinking that...)

All in all was a good evening I think.

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